Saturday, November 8, 2008


Saturday, November 8th
5:00PM - 30 minute easy run on Beechwood Blvd.
Rating: 100
Comments: Felt great today. Kept a nice fast pace. I made a GREAT jumbalay dinner tonight!!!

Friday, November 7th
OFF I forgot that I had a work dinner event to go to tonight, so I took the day off.

Thursday, November 6th
6:30PM - 50 minute progressive run, no weights
Rating: 85
Comments: Actually felt pretty strong today. I did the sections 20 minutes easy, 18 minutes medium, 12 minutes hard (pace). I played poker at night so ended up not lifting. I need to make sure I am getting my lifts in.

Wednesday, November 5th
Sheridan is in DC today, so it is a good day for me to get out of the house and get a good workout in.
6:30PM - 20 minute warmup to Schenly Park, drills 20x200 m - all between :45 and :50 seconds. 200m shag jog recovery. 35 minute cooldown. Stretch
Rating: 75
Comments: Overall, felt ok. Speed isn't one of my natural strengths and I always feel like my form could be a little more fluid. The last four my heartrate was up really high.

Tuesday, November 4th

Election Day!! Woke up early and stood in line for a long time to cast my vote. After I got off work I went for a 40 minute easy recovery run from yesterday's tough long run.
Rating: 80
Comments: Overall, felt pretty good for a recovery run.

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