Sunday, November 2, 2008

Haven't logged in a few days...

Ok, Sorry I haven't logged my training the last few days. Here goes...

Sunday, November 2nd
3:00pm - 54 minutes on the Montour Trail - starting @ Clarion/McKeesport Bridge
Rating: 50
Comments: I had to cut my long run short due to some stomach issues. I will switch my long run to Tuesday evening. Unfortunately, I couldn't continue running and sometimes you have to listen to your body. It is too bad because I felt great besides the stomach issues. 8:00PM - lower body weights and abs

Saturday, November 1st
1:00pm - 40 minutes very easy on Beechwood Blvd
Rating: 85
Comments: Felt pretty good, kept it nice and easy.

Friday, October 31st
5:00AM - 35 minutes relaxed on Beechwood Blvd
6:30PM - 25 minute warmup to Schenley Park Loop, drills 1k @ 5k race pace, 2k @ in-between 5k and 10k race pace, 3k @ 10k race pace, 2k @ same pace, 1k @ same pace rest: 2min jog - 3min jog - 4 min jog - 3min jog - 2 min jog 25 minute cooldown back home, stretch, leg swings Rating: 65
Comments: Felt kind of stiff and not very fluid. My legs felt heavy. My right hip flexor is kind of sore.

Thursday, October 30th
5:00AM - 70 minutes post-secondary long run
Rating: 85
Comments: Felt good. It was really nice outside today.

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