Sunday, November 9, 2008

Long Run

12:00PM - 2 hour 45 minute long run! Incredibly H-I-L-L-Y run!!

Rating: 70
Comments: Ran in South Park today - not a good place for a long run. There was not a single flat stretch in the entire park and most of the hills were steep. I stopped at three different stores while driving out there and not one had any Powerbar Gel or GU packets, so I had to make due with the one packet I already had. I did purchase some of these Starburst Gummy with liquid center packets and ran with them. Starting at one hour I would take a gummy every 10 minutes (1:00, 1:10, 1:20, etc). They didn't provide a huge energy increase, but it was a nice way to break up the time. I took the Powerbar Gel packet at 1:30 with a little bit of water. There were very few other runners or walkers and I didn't have my ipod with me so the time seemed to drag on. I am a little nervous for the marathon because each time I have done a long run, my body has started to shut down right around the 2 hour mark. My legs start to feel heavy and my shoulders get really tight. I really need to focus on my mileage and training the next two weeks to try to break past this.

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