Wednesday, October 29, 2008

10/27 - 11/2 Training Schedule

Monday, October 27th (plan)

40 minute recovery run

Tuesday, October 28th (plan)

AM - 30 minute relaxed
PM - 20 minute warmup, drills
5 x 400m hill repeats
10 minute cooldown

Wednesday, October 29th (plan)

45 minute recovery run
Upper Body Weights

Thursday, October 30th (plan)

70 Minute post-secondary run
Must do in AM! Have ABC Octoberfest event Thursday night.

Friday, October 31st (plan)

AM - 35 minute relaxed
PM - 25 minute warmup to Schenley Park Loop
1k - 2k - 3k - 2k -1k
Rest: 2min - 3min - 4min - 3min - 2min
25 minute cooldown

Saturday, November 1st (plan)

40 minute recovery
STAY HYDRATED for tomorrow!!

Sunday, November 2nd (plan)

2 hours 45 minutes - Montour Trail
Stay between a 7:50 and 8:00 mile pace
Focus on the last 30 minutes - DON'T slow down
Take 3 Powerbar Gel packets during run

Last Few Days...

Monday, October 27th

5:00AM - 40 minutes recovery run

Rating: 90
Comments: Surprisingly I felt really good today! My legs really weren't that sore at all. I took in nice and slooow for the first 20 minutes and picked it up just a little on the last half.

Tuesday, October 28th

6:45AM - 30 minutes relaxed morning run in Charleston, WV
8:45PM - 20 minute warmup, drills, 5 x 1:30 hill repeats, jog down the hill for recovery, 10 minute cooldown.

Rating: 70
The morning run was fine. A bit chilly, but I felt good.
The evening workout was very hard. I felt great on the warmup! Very fluid. The hill repeats were very tough. The hill started at the bottom of the hill by CMU and ended at the second lamp post. Pretty steep hill. Each one I was breathing really hard. Definitely by the last one my form was starting to drop a little. I think for the next hill workouts I will try to do a few different things. 1) Do hill ladders (3x :30, 3x 1:00, 3x 1:30, etc) or do hill repeats, 25 minutes fast, hill repeats, etc.
I had driven back from Charleston, WV (about 4 hours) that day, so my legs were quite tired. Hamstring hurt a little bit that night.

Wednesday, October 29th
7:30 PM
45 minute recovery run
Upper Body Weights
Rating: 70
Felt good for the first half, but felt a little sluggish for the second half of the run. It was sooo cold and snowed for the first time today.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Long Run

1:30 PM - 2 hour and 30 minute long run!! 18.5 miles!! I ran from my apartment downtown to Hienz Field, then ran on the Riverfront Trail, and back to Liberty Ave. Sheridan came and picked me up at Liberty Ave.

Rating: 80
Sleep: 8 hours
Comments: The first half of the run was rolling hills with more downhill than uphill. I felt awesome for the first 110 minutes. Right at the 2 hour mark my legs started getting really tired. I took three Powerbar Gel packets, one at 45 minutes (StrawBanana), one at 1:25 (Vanilla - yuck!), and one at 1:55 (StrawBanana). I had a little bit of water at 1:25 but didn't have any other water besides that, which was very hard. Also, Sheridan didn't come to pick me up until about 30 minutes after I was done, so I was freezing!! Not good for my body's recovery. It was about 55 degrees, but was quite windy, I wore shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I showered as soon as I got home and my legs turned blue in the shower!! Overall though, I felt really good. I averaged about 8:10 miles. Considering my last three miles were probably 9:00 to 9:30's, the others were pretty fast.