Sunday, October 26, 2008

Long Run

1:30 PM - 2 hour and 30 minute long run!! 18.5 miles!! I ran from my apartment downtown to Hienz Field, then ran on the Riverfront Trail, and back to Liberty Ave. Sheridan came and picked me up at Liberty Ave.

Rating: 80
Sleep: 8 hours
Comments: The first half of the run was rolling hills with more downhill than uphill. I felt awesome for the first 110 minutes. Right at the 2 hour mark my legs started getting really tired. I took three Powerbar Gel packets, one at 45 minutes (StrawBanana), one at 1:25 (Vanilla - yuck!), and one at 1:55 (StrawBanana). I had a little bit of water at 1:25 but didn't have any other water besides that, which was very hard. Also, Sheridan didn't come to pick me up until about 30 minutes after I was done, so I was freezing!! Not good for my body's recovery. It was about 55 degrees, but was quite windy, I wore shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I showered as soon as I got home and my legs turned blue in the shower!! Overall though, I felt really good. I averaged about 8:10 miles. Considering my last three miles were probably 9:00 to 9:30's, the others were pretty fast.

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