Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday, October 25th

12:30pm 40 minutes relaxed. Beechwood to Dallas st (about 5 miles). Big 10.

Rating: 95
Overall felt really good. My right hip flexor was sensitive during the first 5 minutes of the run. I noticed it was hurting when I woke up this morning. But, after it warmed up it was fine. The weather was raining and grey - not fun. Kept a pretty good pace during the run. Rolling hills during the middle part of the run.

Friday, October 24th

Ok, today ended up being another day off. Not a good way to train for a marathon. It turned into a long day at work and I ended up staying until about 8:30. No excuses though, I need to make sure I am not missing workouts. I will adjust my schedule, do a relaxed run tomorrow and my long run on Sunday.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday, October 23rd

I ended up taking today off and I will switch my workout to tomorrow then shift my long run to Sunday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday, October 22nd

6:45PM- 60 minutes relaxed. First and last 20 minutes were lots of rolling hills, the middle 20 minutes was pretty flat in the loop around Schenley track.

Rating: 95
Felt really good and strong the whole way. The last long hill up Hazelnut hill was tough because it was so long (about .4 miles). I kept a pretty good pace though, especially in the middle 20 minutes. No weights.

Sleep - 7.5 hours

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday, October 21st

5:30AM - 40 minute recovery pace run. Ran from my house along Beechwood Blvd to bus stop past Frick Park.
Rating: 70
Overall, felt a little sluggish and achy. However, I think that is expected after a track workout. Also, it was raining and windy this morning, which never helps.
6:00PM - Upper Body Weights, Abs. (All 3 sets of 15 reps). Chest Dumbell Press - 25 lbs, Tricep Pulldown - Level 4 (40 lbs?), Back Machine - 50 lbs, Bicep Curls - 15 lb dumbells, Shoulder Raises? - 5&8 lb dumbells. Ab routine.b

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday October 20th

5:30 AM - 27 minutes easy. Legs were pretty sore the first five minutes but warmed up quickly. For some reason the top of my left foot gets sore when I run lately. I think it is the new shoes. Ran on Beechwood Blvd from my house to Frick Park entrance.

  • 21 minute warmup to track @ Schenley Park
  • Drills, Leg Swings
  • 6 x 800 meter repeats. 3:15-3:20 goal. 2:00 shag jog in between.
  • Actual times: 3:14, 3:17, 3:17: 3:16: 3:18; 3:18
  • Stretch. 30 minute cooldown

Rating: 75
Felt pretty good overall. The 2:00 rest was just enough time. I felt like my form started to fall apart a little on the last two. My stride didn't feel as fluid and my legs felt tight. I need to get new yellow flats. I ran in my flats to the track and on my cooldown because I didn't want to run there with shoes in my hands. This was a mistake, I need to make sure I am wearing shoes with better support to prevent injuries. Especially because the yellow flats are pretty worn out. My shins are a little sore, and I have a blister on the pad of my right foot. Thirty minute cooldown felt good. Next workout I think I should pick up the speed a little on my run afterwards and increase the time by about 10 minutes. Pittsburgh is soo hilly!! My warmup was a lot of uphill then downhill, etc etc.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday October 19th

  • 30 Minutes Recovery Run

*Rating: 80 (scale of 1-100)
*Comments: My legs are very very sore from the half marathon yesterday. Specifically, my hip flexors and hamstrings are very sore. I ran very slow, but is expected for the day after a race. Stretched really well afterwards.

Training Schedule 10/19-10/25

Sunday 10/19
  • 30 minute recovery run
  • Stretch really well, leg swings

Monday 10/20

  • AM
    -25 minute relaxed
  • PM
    -20 minute warmup
    -6 x 3:20 800 meters
    -1:45 recovery between each one
    -30 minute cooldown

Tuesday 10/21

  • 40 minute recovery run
  • Upper Body Weights, Abs

Wednesday 10/22

  • 60 minute post-secondary long run
  • Lower Body Weights, Abs

Thursday 10/23

  • AM
    -25 minute relaxed run
  • PM
    -20 minute warmup to Beechwood Blvd/Forward St. Hill (by school)
    -8 Hill repeats - increase speed every 100 meters (hill about 300 meters long)
    -Shag Jog down hill for recovery
    -40 minute cooldown

Friday 10/24

  • 40 Minute Recovery Run
  • Upper Body Weights, Abs

Saturday 10/25

  • 2 hour 20 minute long run
    -even pace for entire run - 8:30/mile pace
    -Take two GU packets during run
    -Try to stay hydrated (drop off water bottle or run near water fountain, etc)

Running Log Terms

Here is a brief description of some of the terms I use when I describe my training

  • Recovery Run - very very easy run after a hard workout, 50-60% effort.
  • Relaxed Run - Medium paced run, 65-75% effort.
  • Drills (all drills are done in sets of two, 40 meters each set) - high knee skips, butt kicks, karaoke, fast high knees, backwards running, quick 1-2 steps
  • Progressive Run - the length of run is split into thirds - first third is very easy (60%), second third is moderate (75%), and the third section is hard (90%). This also may sometimes be referred to as a swing tempo run.
  • 60+ Run - This is a long run where the first 60 minutes are ran at regular pace, around 70-75% and the remainder of the long run is around 85-90% effort. On a very long run, this may change to a 90+, 120+, etc.
  • Big Ten - This is a strenth-building excercise. 10 Pushups/10 Situps, 9 PU's/9SUs, 8 PU's/8 SU's, 7 PU's/7 Su's, 6 PU's/6 SU's, 5 PU's/5SU's, 4 PU's/4 SU's, 3 PU's/3SU's, 2 PU's/2 SU's, 1PU/1SU, 10 PU's/10 SU's (the 10 at the end is the hardest part). This might sometimes become a Big 11 or a Big 12.
  • Pre-Race Warmup - 10 minutes easy, drills, stretch, 10-15 minutes easy, 2-3 15 meter strides.